My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Sustainabrew Reflection 1 (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth One area for development I have is communication and leadership. We work in groups and I feel that it is a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills. So far in the lessons, I have attended, I was able to reflect and I noticed that I was…

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Maths and Me

Mehul – IGCSE I associate math with excitement because I am intrigued to learn about different topics and I often look forward to starting new units. On the continuum, I think I stand in the middle since I like when things are explained to me because I get a good understanding of it but at…

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CREST Final Reflection

In this project, one of my successes was that I was able to change my topic in time and still be able to find sufficient research to come to a conclusion. However, it can be considered unsuccessful that I was unable to decide the topic and have an earlier realisation that I had way too…

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Transition to Grade 11

For next year, the subjects I have chosen are HL: economics, biology, chemistry and SL: mathematics (analysis), Spanish, English (lang lit). I am very anxious for next year. I am quite excited to study certain subjects more in-depth, especially biology and chemistry. However, I am nervous about the change and I know it will be…

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Personal Statement

After completing the IGCSE course and persevering through a myriad of obstacles, I have been able to take time to reflect on the past two years. I think in many aspects I have developed as a student including service, academics and activities. I have also been able to reflect on past goals, adjust them and…

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What has Lockdown Taught Me About Myself?

Topic: Has this time to reflect helped you understand yourself? During lockdown, we have much more time to reflect and this has helped me think more about my own life and reflect back. I think that firstly, I have been able to notice my behaviour during a time like this and compare it to normal…

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What Lockdown is Teaching Me About Money?

Topic: Are you good with your cash? Is spending money a good thing? Lockdown might have helped you reflect During the lockdown, I have been able to observe the economic situation locally and globally. As stocks, markets and the economy as a whole have worsened, I have been thinking more about money and my spending…

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Reflection 1 (CREST Project)

My project is around achieving immortality and I gained interest on this topic as I have always been fascinated in ideas that seem unrealistic. I gained further interest after researching about certain scientific practices such as cryogenics and gene editing. My initial plan was to research the various scientific processes that can be used to…

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Gallery Walk Activity

How has your thinking on this project been influenced by other people? I think that my thinking has been influenced mainly with these comments on my slide. It was mentioned that I could link it to pop culture and how it could even impact the future. It made me think about aspects I did not…

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