Personality Type reflection


Of the many factors that contribute to a successful education and subsequent career, an understanding of personality type is among the most useful.

While interests and skills change during the course of a person’s life, the one thing that does remain constant is an individual’s personality type — the innate way in which each person naturally prefers to see the world and make decisions. All individuals are unique, but people of the same type share large similarities in the kinds of academic subjects and careers they find interesting, and the kind of work they find satisfying.

By understanding the role personality type plays, people can gain important insights into their educational, career and relationship needs. And because people of different types often communicate in very different ways, counselors and advisors can learn which strategies work most effectively with each individual student.

Understanding you, Sayed Hamza

People like you are quiet, serious and independent. You are extremely observant but keep most of your reactions, thoughts and opinions to yourself. When you do speak, you tend to be literal, matter-of-fact and honest, and avoid small talk. People see you as totally calm and even-tempered, and even your family and closest friends rarely know what you’re feeling. When you do speak your mind, you are truthful to the point of bluntness. You may be baffled about why people take offense or otherwise react emotionally, and you may sometimes think relationships are too complex and confusing.

Because you are naturally private, you avoid big social gatherings and would rather spend time alone or with a good friend, actively pursuing a particular interest. You enjoy the outdoors, physical activities, or adventures that have a certain element of risk. You approach problems with curiosity, logic and skill; it’s very likely you’re good with your hands.

You are also an easygoing and casual person who doesn’t like a lot of rules, structure or restrictions on your freedom. You like to explore, have fun and follow your impulses rather than live by anyone else’s expectations or standards. Since you prize your independence, you rarely impose yourself or your beliefs on other people.

While you are amazingly adaptive and able to change direction very quickly, you often have trouble making decisions or following through on projects that don’t interest you. Sometimes you get distracted and forget your commitments. But luckily, you are so resourceful that you are often able to improvise your way out of jams.

Note: Based on our assessment, your personality type is “ISTP.”

I feel that this assessment is pretty accurate with some things being a bit off, but that is to be expected. The result says i am a P but my J and P where only of by 1 point so I feel I’m about equal for both.

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