Creating my own poem

If I were Szymborska, I would want to point out how people tend to induce unnecessary anxiety within our society and be excessively sensitive yet they often forget what is the best thing we can do to stop the further spread of the virus:staying home. Efforts of the doctors and nurses who put so much effort into curing the patients easily become pointless if the rest of the population make choices to go out only considering their private benefit. Hence, the title of the poem would be “Feet” and I would compare and contrast the feet of people that are used to help them wander around with the feet of the doctors and nurses who sacrifice themselves and don’t stop working for the patients despite the high possibility of infection due to their contact with the patients. I would mock one person’s thinking process that leads one to decide to go out and yet is unhappy about the number of cases  increasing. In the last stanza, I would suggest that what this period affects people really depends on the way they approach it.  Some people can view this as a great opportunity for them to catch up on reading books, sleep, and work. What I really want to convey is the fact that positivity doesn’t exist in the world itself but is something that we as a society have to create.  


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