Interim Reflection (R2)

I encountered many problems when gathering my data as the CFD simulation I was relying on as a comparative device for my initial data source wasn’t compatible as my initial source didn’t have the same degree of flexibility in how I could manipulate my variables. This led to me attempting to find another CFD simulation which I achieved after a lot of research. Researching the different CFD simulations and methods to calculate the lift to drag ratio that will be my dependent variable in my investigation has definitely broadened my understanding of this topic, as before I hardly understood CFD software and how it operates or the different possible methods that different software use to gather the same data and the various strengths and weaknesses of these methods. I have chosen to consider how different variables interrelate within my EE question rather than comparing how one isolated variable affects another as this will lead to more realistic conclusions.

Grand Paradigms

Grand paradigms are essentially fundamental beliefs about what our purpose and place in the universe are. There are 3 Grand paradigms that dictated the purpose of humans and in turn the norms and values of the society at that time, these are the Classical Paradigm, Modern Paradigm and Post-Modern Paradigm. The classical paradigm states that humans are the centre of the universe and are placed there by God with their purpose being to worship him, in this paradigm it is believed that the only path towards truth is religion and therefore that religion is the most important knowledge as knowledge leads to truth. The Modern paradigm challenges this; it dictates that Science is the only path to truth and that human purpose is to discover and explore the universe, it also refutes the belief that humans were put there by God and that the universe is centred around them, instead supporting evolution as creating humans and making them superior beings to all others on Earth. This paradigm doesn’t forsake religion however but instead believes that the ability to reason is a gift from God and therefore its purpose and the purpose that he wanted for humankind is to use their ability to reason to discover and explore the universe and that reason is the path to truth rather than religion. The final paradigm is the Post-Modern paradigm and the one most people operate under nowadays, it states that humans were not created or placed on Earth by some superior being but are rather evolutionary accidents and just one of the billions of species on Earth and were not given any abilities as gifts from God but rather just through the evolutionary process. It also takes an entirely anti-religion stance believing that there is no God or superior being at all and that there is no path to Truth, disagreeing with both the modern and classical paradigm.

As I had mentioned in my previous posts paradigms act as axioms that form the foundation that our experiences and education build upon to form our outlook and stance on events. When we look back through history it is clear to see how the paradigms have affected society as a whole’s outlook and value system, it is generally thought the further back in time you go the more religious societies were which clearly aligns with the classical paradigm which states that human’s purpose is to worship through religion and in many religions it clearly states that worship is the path to enlightenment which can be taken to mean Truth. This is supported by the fact that today’s society which operates largely under the post-modern paradigm is the least religious and features many different value systems as there is no path to Truth dictated and so people create their own paths and live their lives more freely in comparison to those who have given themselves a path to follow and base their life off of.