My Individual Oral

My Global Issue: For my individual oral I will be looking at how governments and people in power sometimes fail to protect the interests of the citizens who elected them into power in the first place. I will be looking at works done by Bob Dylan and Ed Wexler, both of whom happen to be American and criticise the American government. That being said, this issue is one we see in so many countries above and beyond the United States.

Making a personal connection to this issue, I see it so prominently in India. The ruling party the BJP, works in the best interest of the Hindu’s in the country. Although it is important to play to the views of the Hindus because they are the majority religion in India, some of their policies are leaving other religious groups vulnerable. For example, the Citizenship Amendment Bill which basically allows for citizenship to be granted to anyone with documentation basically excludes Muslin Indians. Many of them find themselves having to prove their identity as an Indian even though they’ve lived there for generations.

In regards to my authors, Dylan lived through the era of the world wars. He rose to fame post the second world war and Vietnam war and many of his songs draw inspiration from those events. Wexler tends to look more at the current state of politics in America. I shall be exploring the criticisms of the US government during these periods of times.

World War II and Vietnam War: Dylan puts a lot of emphasis on his hatred for America’s motivations in participating in these wars in the first place. A lot of the State’s involvement had to do with fear of ideology and xenophobia when it boiled down to it. America was afraid of communism and German ideals spreading, as if it loved in some social utopia itself. In his song “Talking John Birch Society”, Dylan makes a huge mockery of those who fear the communist without half of a clue what they fear at all.

Then, he moves onto calling out the horrendous actions of the government. The text I have chosen to analyse, “Masters of War” is a commentary of the government using its citizens as leverage points. No child in Vietnam was doing an ounce worth of damage to someone in the United States, yet the citizens were forced to fight the war. He dedicates a whole song, “Only a Pawn in their game” to exploring this issue. Civilians constantly found themselves caught in the crossfire of an issue they did not care about. This can be seen as how America dropped Nuclear bombs on Japan in response to their government, killing thousands innocent civilians in the process.

Trump Administration: Wexler, focusing on a different period of American politics, focuses a lot of his work of the dishonesty and misconduct of the judicial system. Trump runs a campaign the promotes mainly conservative values and beliefs, which of course it is acceptable to hold, but seeing as America has become the icon of freedom and expression, it is much like forcing a failing ideology on its population. For example, the law to ban abortion in several states received severe backlash locally and globally. For a country that came so far in terms of its respect and treatment of women, many people saw that political move by Trump as several steps back in time.

Trump has also made his stance on immigrants and immigration very clear. Not only does he support very close minded ideals, he has also been called out as a racist several times. Even during our current situation with the pandemic, as an international conference the United States tried to coin the virus as “Wuhan Virus”, which was obviously shut down by many countries. He has been exposed for the treatment that Mexican’s face at the borders, with people dying in those conditions. This issue of migration goes all the way back to his first days, making the promise of a wall being built between him and Mexico.

Today’s Practice: I think from my practice today I have finalised my plan for my IO. I realised that my biggest issue is being succinct and making connection to real events. For example when referencing Trump’s selfish ventures, I realised I need to do more research into his company and how they have profited from his election. Apart from that honestly I was very happy with my practice today 🙂

A Gift to My Children

This is a book written by Jim Rogers who is an American investor. It is a very short book, less than 100 pages, but very inspirational nonetheless. It is what my dad git me to read as my introduction to the stock market and investing, which also marks the beginning of what is about to become a non fiction plethora over the next few months as I introduce myself to stock investing. This book is close to my heart just because my dad went through and made little annotations of his own, what he wants me to learn from life and even specific to investing.

The biggest lesson I took from this b0ok is that he who knows nothing of other cultures knows nothing of his own. Reading the news, travelling and immersing yourself in new places and people does a world of wonder for you on a personal and financial level. So much of Roger’s success came from having cultural and historical knowledge while the average investor has financial knowledge only. I also learn the value in reading the news. I do that anyway, I read the newspaper every single day, however I know realise I need to be doing way more research into whats happening around the world.

Catch 22

Up until now my streaks of reading classics had failed to disappoint me, but I must say I did not take very well to Catch 22. There were too many creative and explorative elements of the story, that it lost focus and drive. I understand trying to mix things up a little., but some aspects of the story need to stay grounded so they can help guide the readers through. I found myself rereading passages, not because I wasn’t paying attention, but because I simply did not see the link what so ever and it confused me greatly, making me wonder whether I had missed something. A kid in my class said it was his favourite book which blows my mind, I cannot see how anyone likes this and aside from the language used itself, I really don’t see why this book is a classic.

Before I become extremely critical, I must say that there were enjoyable components to the book. The humour at several moments was very engaging. I loved seeing the arguments between characters because they were so random and perpetually made no sense, but that’s what was so funny. There were so many paradoxes, like that of the Major who would only let people into the office if he wasn’t there meaning they would never meet him. This all plays along to the paradox of Catch 22 itself which really makes me wonder what the author was on when he wrote this. I also really liked the style of writing, something about the humour was very old school British, reminding me a lot of P.G Woodehouse, where the intricate play of words is what brings the humour in.

That being said, the pace of the book was TOO fast. There was a new character basically every chapter, and by six chapters later I would forget that character in order to keep up with the 6 new ones introduced. No mission was ever complete and because it kept following different people, I felt like the timelines were being jumped. I also felt that there was not sufficient time given for the reader to develop a connection with the character whether it be good or not. I was not particularly fond of some of the plot lines, Yossarian spent too much time in hospital at the start (to set the stage of him being lazy) and then o time at all later, contradicting the while thing. There was a bad amount of depth to a character’s background like Major Major, I believe that there should have been a greater focus on how he received the name, more of his upbringing because that’s what made his character funny.

Texts we have looked at so far

See my ideas here:


Links to Articles (Never Let me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro):


Links to Articles (World’s Wife by Carol Ann Duffy):


Links to Articles (Bob Dylan):



Service Update

Learning Outcomes: LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience // LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions

Service as of lately has been quite difficult to engage in seeing as we have not met our service partners in so long. We have been trying to come up with alternative ideas on what we can do to compensate for that. We have thought about campaigns or interactive activities that we could do in school to help us raise awareness about our issue, potentially work with teachers to develop better strategies when interacting with the kids or even setting up resources for the people who join the service next year.

I believe through this we are still fulfilling LO3 of trying to plan an experience because we are logistically trying to set up an activity for people to participate. We were looking to create a simulation where people are in a dark room and they experience what it may be like to be blind and understand the struggle they feel. Even LO7 is still being fulfilled in the sense that we need to think about what may change about people’s perceptions of disabled folk. For example, we don’t want to spread the message that blind people live horrible lives and always need help. As of right now we are still planning next steps.

Evidence (Jake and Annie helping brainstorm ideas):

How CAS impacts our wellbeing

I think that CAS can have both positive and negative effects on our wellbeing, depending on how we approach it and the assignments I have externally also.

On one hand, reflecting on my experiences allows me to see the growth that occurs through them. I have noticed that significantly in my activity of Bodypump, in myself becoming more confident and pushing myself to try harder in order to improve my fitness. It is also just a good chance to question why I participate in the things I do, which gives me a clearer picture as to where my interests lie. When I look at my struggle through my CAS experiences, I get a sense of where my weaknesses are and what I can do to improve. Especially with my service, I am able to delve into the emotional and psychological side of helping disabled kids, and what that means in my life and what I have to be grateful for.

On the other hand, there are certain times of the year where I have deadlines from several other subjects, and having to keep up with CAS can be quite an issue. There are already reflections that I am behind on that I have pushed behind for my academic assignments. Sometimes, consistently having to reflect on an activity can ruin it for you, in the same sense that analysing a book to an extreme, can completely ruin your love for it.

I think the key with CAS is to find the balance between the authencity of reflections and the effort you put in trying. You need to be honest with yourself in your reflections, even if it means admitting that it causes you stress, but you must also take the reflections as an opportunity to  visualise your learning.

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