Final Reflection Kahaani

LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions

Once again, I am going back to the initial learning outcome that I had set for myself. I think in this case I have been successful at recognising my role in the ethical implications of the dance. Also because we are directly sponsoring a service I thought it was very importance for us to be mindful at all stages.

I really loved the dances that we did as well because they were very graceful and I enjoyed replicating some of the things I learnt as a classical dancer. I think Kahaani is an event that I always look forward to because of how much it reminds me of the Indian dance that I used to do.

I really enjoyed the experience.

MidWay Reflection

We are midway through our progess as we will be performing in January. I think so far I have been quite critical at looking as to how are dances are showcasing our perspective of disabled people. I think my dance leaders have been very respectfully and thought thoroughly about the consequences of the steps we do and the songs we use. So far we are making steady problems though sometimes I do feel as though we could be more effective with the rehearsal time we have such as by more people learning the steps beforehand and then coming to practice.


First Reflection

LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions

This year I am yet again participating in Kahaani which is our all India dance showacse in which we help a global concern known as Kolkata GC. I am super excited to be doing it again bvecause I did it last year and I am ready to once again dance in fornt of what will hopefully be a live audience.

The dance I am a part of this year is inspired by the movie Taare Zameen Parr which looks at the struggles of a disabled boy and because of this I believe that I need to look at the ethical implications and choices that come with us portraying disabled people because there are so many stereotypes and misconceptions in the media.

Final reflection

We finished doing our culturama performance and it went really well. Although due to Covid 19 we were not allowed to perform in front of a live audience this year, we were still able to record the real show and make a film out of it. I think it was worth sticking with the dance and getting through all the work because it is so satisfying to see an end product that I have created.

I would have loved the opportunity to do this last year because it has taught me so many things. With long term project there will always be change and adjustments that need to be made but I need to recognise that they are okay and in many cases actually make the start product better by the end.

All in all, I am proud of how my partner and I persevered through the process to the final outcome!

MidWay Culturama Reflection

At this point my partner and I have completed the full choreography and we have began teaching it to our dancers. We do need to persevere because it is hard for some of the students to pick up on what we are teaching them and sometimes we need to slow down and wait for one of the students to catch up with what we are doing.

South African dancing has also challenged me a lot physically because it tends to be sustained levels of very high energy which I am not used to as I did classical Indian dance that tends to be slower and more mellow. I think that if I stick with it and with more practice that I will become more confident and comfortable.


Culturama G12 First Reflection

Learning Outcome: LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences.


This year my friend and I are leading a Culturama dance for the country of South Africa meaning we are the ones in charge of creating the entire dance from start to end. The reason I put this as an activity is because of the physical exertion that is required of us because South African dancing uses so much footwork. I believe this relates to the leaning outcome above because throughout the dance we are going to face challenges but we need to be able to overcome then and pull through to the end of the dance.

Service Update

Learning Outcomes: LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience // LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions

Service as of lately has been quite difficult to engage in seeing as we have not met our service partners in so long. We have been trying to come up with alternative ideas on what we can do to compensate for that. We have thought about campaigns or interactive activities that we could do in school to help us raise awareness about our issue, potentially work with teachers to develop better strategies when interacting with the kids or even setting up resources for the people who join the service next year.

I believe through this we are still fulfilling LO3 of trying to plan an experience because we are logistically trying to set up an activity for people to participate. We were looking to create a simulation where people are in a dark room and they experience what it may be like to be blind and understand the struggle they feel. Even LO7 is still being fulfilled in the sense that we need to think about what may change about people’s perceptions of disabled folk. For example, we don’t want to spread the message that blind people live horrible lives and always need help. As of right now we are still planning next steps.

Evidence (Jake and Annie helping brainstorm ideas):

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