Pre Season Rugby Wrap Up

We just finished pre-season rugby (U19) and this week we have started in season rugby which involves more training sessions and more effort and focus. But this post is about my experience playing rugby in the first term and I must say it was great but difficult. From the very start I saw that I couldn’t keep my physical fitness at a level that was required to be a good player and so my coach and I devised a plan for me to set up some milestones and benchmarks throughout the couple weeks we could train to increase my fitness level which I believe I have improved significantly. The preseason also let me bond and socialise with so many different and new people I wouldn’t have met otherwise and was truly an amazing experience that not only let me develop new goals and develop physically but also helped me socialise with people on and off the pitch. This year consists of very strong and athletic boys who are probably already making seasac and so my goal is not to try and overcome them as that would be setting myself up for failure but I do have goals in mind to get physically fit enough to be considered an option if not a threat to those players and hopefully make a successful B team captain.

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