Month: November 2020

Reflection: Personality test and careers

INFJ-T “The Advocate” (according to the 16 personalities test)

I realised that I place lots of importance on using empathy and understanding in a situation, but I also have another side of me which is more pragmatic; focusing on analysing situations through a realistic lens. These two sides of me can often come into conflict with each other. The aspect of my personality which wants to label things as “right” and “wrong” is at wrestle with the side which wants to understand the complexities which color someone’s decisions.

I think, however, these two main conflicting parts of my personality become complementary in certain careers: like medicine (I hope!). While it requires you to detach yourself from certain situations, looking at things from an analytical point of view where sometimes it is necessary to forget the “thing” you’re operating on is a person; sometimes it requires the gentle breaking of the news, understanding what the other must be going through and providing support. I’m drawn to places where I’ll have a job in which I know my work is helping others.

08/11/20: Active Living #18

Went for an hour run today!

My Life Story Board

Month 1 Reflection: GC


This month’s goal is just to create connections amongst the members of the GC and establish general knowledge about the NGO themselves. Shreya and I planned the first two meetings for them to understand the problems the people at the NGO face, how the NGO helps to solve these problems, and how we can help. This can be seen in the slides that we created for the sessions (linked here).

I think the meetings were quite successful as we were able to establish engagement, as well as a sense of community within our GC which will hopefully allow them to work together more cohesively and cooperatively.


01/11/20: Active Living #17

1 hour of running. It’s been a week since I’ve gone so I can feel that my hamstrings are quite weak and start hurting halfway through my run. Need to do some strengthening, and this will be my goal alongside keeping my stamina up!

Activity: Kahaani Reflection 1: LO2

Learning Outcome 2: “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. A new challenge may be an unfamiliar experience or an extension of an existing one. The newly acquired or developed skills may be shown through experiences that the student has not previously undertaken or through increased expertise in an established area.”

Kahaani is definitely something fun and exciting for me to do, but at the same time, I wouldn’t classify myself as a dancer and therefore it is a bit nerve-wracking for me to take on this experience and dance in front of an audience. It is a new dance form and therefore I have a lot to learn, however I am enjoying myself thoroughly, and the group which I am with are supportive and very fun to be around.

I’ve taken the risk of putting myself out there and doing something which I am not necessarily “amazing” at, and therefore it takes a lot of “letting loose” and realising you cannot be the best at everything that you do, and that’s okay! Challenges I foresee are learning the dance moves in time, as well as balancing this committment with my other commitments such as the musical, singing at home, Student Voice, GC, Medical society and my local service. Therefore, I realise that I must have very efficient time-management skills in order to fulfill my experience and make it the least stressful it can be 🙂 The skill of trying new things, and balancing my commitments effectively in order to have a fulfilling experience will carry me well in IB and into university life and beyond.

Here is the link for the kahaani video so far!


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