Category: Science

Reflection #1: CREST Awards

For the longest time, I did not know what research topic I wanted to do. I definitely knew I wanted to research on a psychological and biological area, but I could not place my finger on a topic. I was listening to music one day and realised the way my mood drastically changed after. I went from feeling lifeless, to humming along, a small, but very real smile on my face. This gave me an idea to relate music to mood – I had experienced the way it reduced my stress countless times before. I went onto the CREST website to look at the types of projects they were looking for. I realised that the research projects required primary data, or a “fresh perspective” on an issue in STEM. I could not put my finger on what type of project would be suitable under our current circumstances. I felt like I was going in circles. I did not know what topic I wanted to do, which type of project I should do, I was overcomplicating what CREST was looking for, and I felt quite unmotivated. After a few conversations with my teachers, with my friends, and researching on the topic of music therapy, I finally decided on a question:

“What are the psychological and biological effects of music therapy on individuals diagnosed with autism?”

I realised that its okay to take time to decide on what needs to be done. Refining of a question or a thought will always continue, but committing to an initial idea will be the first step forward. I then decided that I wanted to do a communications project, in which I’ll be able to (hopefully), make an engaging video which I can show to communities that support individuals/families with individuals who have autism. This will give me more satisfaction than a “Gold Award” for CREST – I’ll actually be making a difference to people’s lives, and that’s something I am passionate about. From now on, I will be researching the topic by breaking it down into different segments and recording my bibliography along the way. I aim to set a goal for each weekend so that I can ensure I’m progressing steadily towards the end result! I can definitely tell that time will be a huge challenge and struggle for me, but I need to keep pushing forward. Understanding that this project is NOT school work – it’s a way to discover what you love, and potentially a way to help people, is what will keep me motivated and happy no matter what.

Amolika’s Personal SWOT Analysis


  • Interested in both, music and science. Curious mindset, and love the mesh of psychology and science.
  • I think I can hold my ethical ground above all else in most situations. I have a strong moral compass that I feel the need to abide by.
  • I have creativity, a willingness to learn and curiosity.
  • Teachers (hopefully) think I’m hardworking, intelligent and cooperative.
  • I’m proud of my achievements in Singing, where I have overcome my stage fright.
  • I believe that one must follow their moral compass and ethical knowledge to guide them. Getting swayed by the shinier things in life do not always have positive consequences.


  • I don’t feel confident doing things such as playing sports in a highly competitive environment, or attempting skills in front of others who are perfect/professional at said skill.
  • I can be too negative – might be demotivated easily by setbacks/lose confidence
  • I think I’m quite organised, however, I get quite stressed when I have multiple things to be doing which can distract me from my main focus. I dislike it when people tell me how to do things.
  • Not a fear per say, but I dislike taking risks.


  • I can use surveys/emails/social media to contact individuals willing to participate in any studies
  • Something to help people stay more focused/to help with their mindfulness?


  • Lots of things going on at school which can make it challenging to complete this task with the dedication I desire
  • Applying for GOLD will be challenging and competitive. I need to come up with an idea that will present a unique finding

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