Pre-season Touch Rugby G12 2019 + Brisbane

Every year the seniors of the team graduate, with losing members of the team, we had new members who joined. I developed new skills in collaboration. We had to work together to achieve an outcome. I collaborated with previous teammates, as well as new teammates. At first, it was difficult, as we were not familiar with each others playing style and we did not have flow, as we played more together and bonded as a family we gained flow. This was especially true in a few of our games in Brisbane. The Brisbane Touch trip (we played in All school touch championships) really allowed us to bond as a family and get to know each other, making us gain flow. In Touch it is a team-based sport, we need to work hard for each other in order to win, therefore collaboration is extremely important. 



Circle Enterprise

I worked with students from various grades, ranging from grade 9 to grade 11, along with a few middle schoolers who would sometimes join us. It was easy working together, as we were in smaller groups working on our bikes in groups. The main challenges were that none of us in the service had really deconstructed a bike, and rebuild it. We overcame this challenge by working together and helping each other out.

Here an image of the poster made by Ishaan and I to be used in the following years. ,


I have never taken part in an activity like this before, IFP (Initiative for Peace) was something very new to me. IFP also is known as an initiative for peace. It is an activity in which students and staff to promote peace in global, national and regional conflicts

Who did I collaborate with?

  • Other students
  • Staff
  • Teachers
  • Other Organisations

What made it easy or difficult to work together with this person/people?

  • It was difficult to work together as I didn’t know them
  • Uncomfortable
  • Unfamiliar
  • It was easy in a sense because we were all new to this activity

What challenges did we face when working together? How did we overcome them? Why couldn’t we overcome some challenges?

  • The main challenge was our location, as the issues, we were discussing where elsewhere. It’s hard to talk about issues and come up with solutions when aren’t there to see what is happening

How important was collaboration to achieving the outcome or my goal?

  • Collaboration in IFP is the most important quality, as we have to communicate with each other all the time. Being an effective collaborator is vital, we do a bunch of group activities together

Me as an IFP(er) :