English ELP Post

In the modern media landscape, what issues do we face as a global society with regards to journalism, bias, and freedom of expression, and what does future news reporting look like?

In a society where millions of people get their information usually from a single source, there are many issues that come with this. One being news agency often being biased towards one political party or one ideology. This creates an environment where people are only being given one side of the story based on the ideology of the writers. This is forced upon readers unless they take the initiative upon themselves to find the factually correct information.

Furthur more journalism has come to a point where you must choose between putting food on your plate or writing articles following your own moral compass, and more often than not people would put food on their plate. The power that is held by new media agencies can lead to a bias that cannot be stopped. Writers’ freedom of expression is withheld as oftentimes readers of the media don’t want to hear the good things and only want to hear the negatives as that is the reason they choose that news source.

The future of news reporting seems a little bleak with the number of issues arising and the under-reporting of many very serious issues while the reporting of smaller and less important issues only to please readers and increase sales. Unless there is a way to allow writers to share the closest thing to unbiased news there will always continue to be misinformation and disinformation for political or economic benefits.



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