Winnie Wu- Sustainability individual assessment

The sustainability can be define as the relevant concept- the process that people work on it in order to protect or even improve the environment. It composed by the three main element: social, economic and environmental. Moreover, by knowing the ecological footprint and get the data from it helps us to do with improve the sustainability.

The ecological footprint gives out the result of where I have been produce the most carbon dioxide, and where can I change within the lifestyle in order to be more sustainable. Transportation and buy the stuff that I don’t need are the two main habits that contribute but to my ecological footprint. I had been taking too much plane and taxi that impact the earth by produce too much carbon dioxide. Moreover, it damaged the atmosphere- recently due to too much carbon dioxide is produced, so part of ozone layer has been break down part of it. It is a serious issue because the ozone layer helps to absorb the UV rays. If people do not take to action to cut down the carbon foot print, than human will easily to die because we can’t get in touch with UV- or else we might get the skin disease. My second habit is that too much wastes are created produced- by buy stuffs that I don’t need. For example, sometimes I do not bring a water bottle, so I will get in to a store nearly to buy a plastic bottle water. Moreover, it damaged the environment because much wastes(like plastic) can’t be absorb by the soil immediately- it might takes billion of years or even more.

The action that I would like to do it in order to make the change is that to take the public transportation instead of Taxi- try buy the thing only that I really need or I cannot live without it. The other way to do it is to make a item list to tell my-self do not buy more that what I need while I step in to the store. If I only can make one change within my life, I would like to take the public transportation instead of taxi. However, to be honestly is hard for me to get rid of plane because I am an international student that I live in the boarding house- I have to leave when meet the break or holidays. This change will help me to reduce 1/3 of my ecological footprint. This action can be start at now- I don’t need much plan and I does helps much.

Through this project- I have the get the more understanding of consequences for sustainability. The ecological footprint is a result for a person that shown the data of a measurement of produce for carbon dioxide. After reading that result we know where could me improve- where could we make the changes in order to be more sustainable. Moreover, I would like to take the transportation so that I can’t cut down 1/3 of my carbon foot print.


1 Thought.

  1. Sustainability – you have shown clear understanding of the idea of sustainability and used a model to support this. You could look further at how these three pillars contribute to it.

    My Ecological Footprint – You have a good idea as to what are the big parts of your ecological footprint. You could possibly make more links to the science behind sustainability and the possible impacts on the world.

    Making changes – You have correctly identified the most important factors that will impact your ecological footprint and considered the limitations of your lifestyle. It would be interesting to know which one change you would make in your life and why

    Communication – You have worked hard to communicate your understanding. You can continue to develop your technical language to include more detail in the future.

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