As the art leader of the activity, my job is to introduce Aseprite and Blender to the club members. I myself am interested in pixel art and 3D modelling, so I was naturally enthusiastic in sharing this passion. However, I faced some challenges in guiding the sessions as I had minimal experience in Blender. Some people had no experience with digital art or digital art software so I made sure to go around the classroom to check on people’s progress. Thankfully, although not all the members had art as their number one subject of interest, they were very engaged and I got to see everyone’s sprites!

Another challenge we encountered was that the IT department couldn’t get a hold of the Aseprite software for five~ten computers. This issue continued for around a month. Meanwhile, I quickly found an alternative to Aseprite, which was a free online pixel-art website. Aniket continued pressuring the IT and Dover(?) people on the matter, and we quickly began our journey into Aseprite.