LO4 Commitment-

I persevered with the project and stayed up late with my team members to get work done. I mainly supported the group with the structure of our presentation and document, as well as any conceptual designs (sketches, diagrams) of our model. I felt motivated throughout...

LO3 Initiative-

Initiative Planning activities for the Go Kart club doesn’t always result in us actually executing the plan. Every group is working on their own go kart, and so eventually some groups fall behind the rest. This means that we have to delay our next goal to focus...

LO2 Challenge-

As the art leader of the activity, my job is to introduce Aseprite and Blender to the club members. I myself am interested in pixel art and 3D modelling, so I was naturally enthusiastic in sharing this passion. However, I faced some challenges in guiding the sessions...

LO4 Commitment-

Aseprite: The initial plan was to have everyone learn Aseprite and create their own character sheets. But I realised mid-way that some would have trouble navigating the controls, layers, and animation timeline. Thus, I created a presentation on the basic digital art...

LO3 Initiative-

The activity presented at the activities and service fair. The idea was that each and every member would create a part of a game which we would showcase at the event. However, it did not go as planned and only a handful of people actually made something. Aniket made a...

LO7 Ethics-

Being a part of Lion Befrienders has made me rethink the goal of UWC service itself. At points I found myself questioning whether being a part of/doing service was performative. People occasionally didn’t show up or they found it to be mundane. I am sure that the IB...

LO6 Global Value-

LO – 3 Even in a junior school activity there was a lack of girls in STEM. I wasn’t sure whether this was an issue with the environment (the school, the kids’ parents, other external factors), or just an innate quality of girls. Is it even a problem? Why do we...

LO2 Challenge-

Managing the activity by myself: As I was the only leader of the activity, it was impossible for me to keep an eye on everyone. The students would often try to forcibly fit the components together, which I couldn’t fix due to my lack of strength. This led to frequent...