Digital Bytes 16th January, 2017

12 Tools that Made a Difference in My Teaching Year Rachelle Dane Poth spent a year testing a number of tools with her class to see which ones she felt were most useful to her students. She came up with a list of 12 of the best tools for her students and has given a…

Digital Bytes 28th September 2015

This week we have an article about how multimedia storytelling can change people’s perception and develop empathy, a post on a hybrid model of assessment, blending analog and digital tools, and a response to the OECD article that made the rounds a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!

Digital Bytes 4th May 2015

Happy Star Wars Day! For this week’s Digital Bytes, we feature Essentials for ePortfolios, an article from Scholastic on Twitter for Teachers, and 10 Techie Things to Try for those looking for a bit of inspiration. Enjoy!  

Learning to Manage Distractions

One of parents’ biggest concerns around student use of technology is that of distractions. The same tool we use to create and learn, can be used to entertain and derail productivity. So what are our options, as teachers? As parents? We could create elaborate structures of control (blocking certain websites, turning off wifi etc), but that…

Great PD Offerings for Digital Literacy

We are excited to inform you about some wonderful opportunities for professional development in Digital Literacy that are coming up this year. Please see below regarding details, and remember to fill in a Professional Development Application Form should you wish to be considered. SeptemberGoogle Apps for Education Summit  SAS, Singapore6 & 7th September 2014Target Audience: K-12…