Dealing with Digital Distractions

UWCSEA East has been requiring students in grades 6 and above to have laptops for learning since 2011. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about how students learn with technology, and we continue to push our pedagogical practices to ensure that technology is leveraged in the best ways possible to enhance student learning. We also…

Digital Bytes April 16, 2018

Newseum Looking for a great place to find primary resources to support your students’ media literacy and examine current and historical events? Check out Newseum where it is free to sign up and access great content. Free Music A reminder that we have access to all kinds of free music in the Creator Studio part…

Reducing Distractions on Digital Devices

Distractions are as old as time. Think back to high school when perhaps you were doodling on a pencil case or passing notes to friends. What is different is that the very tools that allow us to access such wonderful learning and communication opportunities, can also have the power to distract us. In the presentation…

Parenting in the Digital Age

As parents, we all want what is best for our children. Kids are growing up in a digital age that is much different than the one we grew up in. Many parents are coming to grips with how they approach digital technology usage in their home. There are many approaches and every family and situation…