The Odyssey – notes

Here is a link to a google doc with all my notes for the Odyssey. I continue to edit and modify it whenever I read a new chapter or new ideas arise during class discussion.

Ithaka – a poem by C. P. Cavafy translated by Edmund Keeley

Ithaka poem ‘Ithaka’ depicts Odysseus’s journey from when he leaves Ithaka for the Trojan War, to returning over 20 years later. This poem is a refreshing and uplifting perspective on the Odyssey. Throughout the book, we remember a lot of the pain and suffering Odysseus has gone through this journey. However, this poem not only…

The Odyssey – Book 11 + 12

Books 11 and 12 have been my favoutire books yet! Here are some of my notes: Book 11 Pg.282-  “On seeing her, I wept in pity. But despite bitter grief, I would not let her near the blood till I talked to Tiresias.”  Odysseus just finds out his mother died at the land of the…

The Odyssey: Maturation of Odysseus

Somehow The Odyssey must escape the endless chain of “and then . . .” what do all these episodes add up to? What is Homer (or this poem) telling us about life and how to live? Write in your portfolio —but in a formal/academic voice —as you unpack the meaning of the incidents and details…

The Odyssey – Graphic Novel version by Seymour Chwast

what are you thinking as you read? what are the scenes and details and images that stand out to you?  Despite the Odyssey having quite a serious and somber tone most of the time, the unconventional style Chwast uses makes the tone more lighthearted and playful. The cartoon-approach as well as the very quick pace,…

The Odyssey – Book 1(The Boy and the Goddess)

Guiding questions: Think about: why is everyone (even the gods) talking about Agamemnon and Clytemnestra at the start of The Odyssey?  A story is told where Aegisthus overstepped by sleeping with Agamemnon’s wife and then killing him when he arrives home from war.  The Gods Zeus uses the story to convey that human beings wrongly…

Project Week (Lo1, Lo3, Lo5)

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience Project week is a 1-week service and/or action based trip where students in groups of 4 or 5 travel overseas without adult supervision. We get to be independent and do things such as contacting companies, attending first aid courses, figuring out how to stay under budget,…

IO practice – reflection

After the IO practice, I found that the main issue was the organization of my speech. This is why I repeated a lot of things and made it way more confusing then it should’ve been. I also felt that my ideas didn’t connect as much as I thought they did, which added to the confusion. …