Theft’s Dilemma

I could feel beads of sweat roll down my forehead, thank goodness I was wearing black today, otherwise, my shirt would be obviously adorned with sweat stains. I am so nervous, what if the shopkeeper notices that we are stealing? would I own up or would I run? So lost in my thoughts, I did not notice Marcus frantically whispering my name, “Eddie, Eddie!” he whispered, eyes wide with panic. I snapped out of my daze and hesitantly grabbed the cigarette pack he had just stolen from his hand. I cannot believe he did it, I am officially a shoplifter. Yes, it is wrong, but I would do anything so dad stops hurting my mum, even if it means having t steal cigarettes for the cruel man. I held the pack in my two hands, clenching so hard I was surprised it did not break open. “Hey! have you paid for those?” a gruff voice asked yelled, putting a screeching halt to the dilemma in my head. I looked up, heart pounding as I came to the realisation that we have practically been caught. I stared at Marcus, eyes silently pleading for help. He caught my gaze and pointed his fingers to the door, signalling for me to get out. “I’ll deal with it” he mouthed. I nodded, I was just desperate to leave I quickly sped to the door, leaving the shopowner’s question unanswered I slammed the door shut.

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