October 22

Table-Tennis Activity Memos

T-Tennis: remember to bring mosquito spray. Improve accuracy, stop hitting outside table, to do this I should practice. Also try to learn skills on youtube.

Had lots of fun in table tennis during the first half term. Our school got new tables that aren’t slanted, and new rackets that aren’t broken, which is a cause for celebration!

My most important goal for the next session would be about organisation: Don’t forget to bring the mosquito repellent. Every week I go and play, every week I get bitten, every week I tell myself to get over it because I’ll put a bottle of mosquito spray in my locker for use next time, and the next week I forget.

In all seriousness, I should aim to improve accuracy (no pun intended) and stop getting the ball outside the table. I should also try using youtube to learn how to improve. I also hope that my club could run some tournaments, so I could experience playing with different people and get used to responding to different hitting patterns.