How Can We Help One Another During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

In a time of anxiety and social distancing, what can we do to look out for one another?

It is definitely a hard time for all of us and because of this, we need to work together and face our common enemy together. During the coronavirus outbreak, I think we can do the following in order to help one another. It is not a good idea to meet friends face to face under the current situation so talk or chat online is a good way to express our feelings and get connected with people around us. first, frequent communication with friends and family through the internet. Sometimes it is hard to digest our own negative feelings alone, especially when we have to keep social distancing which is against our human nature, hence it is good to have someone to talk to and help you get through difficult times even though it is not facing to face. Second, we should spread positivity. When we look at the increasing number of confirmed cases and death every day, we will feel anxiety and this feeling will be further reinforced when we cannot meet our friends and family members. During this major time, everyone should help to spread some positivity. This can be as simple as just stop complaining or can be telling others about the positive side of this situation. Third, we should use time wisely and do something meaningful. As we all moved on to remote learning, we all have more spare time, which I believe is a good thing. We need to use this time at home wisely, to do something that is beneficial to us and try not to waste precious time. We can use this free time to develop our wellbeing, such as to exercise, draw, read, bake, etc.  and recommend what you think is meaningful to your friends and people around you!


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