Oral – Reflection

1-Qu’est ce que vous avez très bien réussi pour cet examen oral?

2-Qu’est-ce que vous souhaitez faire mieux pour l’année prochaine?

3-Comment allez-vous faire mieux la prochaine fois?

I think I could have done a lot better as I think that I revised in the wrong way, I should have put in a consistent amount of work throughout the year rather than studying for exams at the end. If I could do anything differently, it would be to put in a consistent amount of work throughout. I’d like to make more notes about each question and be more thorough with all my units.  Despite this, I do think I did better than last time but I don’t think I did well as I could have done a lot better.

Personal Statement: Nysa

In the past year, a large part of my life has changed with one of the major differences being that I uprooted my whole life to move to Singapore. Throughout all this, I believe that I have learnt a lot about myself and discovered that I am actually capable of a lot more than I expected. I began to understand that being independent was something that I could be and being all by myself away in boarding school helped me understand that. I also learnt to deal with pressure in a myriad of different ways, as UWC was a large school with a a lot to do. In the past, I aspired to be a type of person that could handle any situation that came forth, one of those people that could do everything themselves and didn’t exactly need anyone to do anything for them. By living in the boarding house, I feel that I have taken a step towards the right direction to somewhat achieve that. I have always felt that this is a strength of mine, knowing what I want and knowing how to get it, I tend to be a determined person that would go most lengths to get what I want and knowing that I made a step in the right direction makes me motivated to do well at this school.

A lot of my personality has been developed through my interests and hobbies. As a child, I used to do gymnastics, it was outside school so it was something I started by taking the initiative to get interested in a sport that I liked the idea of. I started training when I was seven but I stopped when I was 13 as I felt that I didn’t have the time to spend on it, considering the steadily built amounts of schoolwork. I consider this as one of the reasons that I tend to be loyal or dedicated to anything I’m interested in.

Before moving here, I lived in Mumbai and I still consider it to be my home, no matter what. In India, I do think that the culture and the people differ greatly from here which did help me see the world in two vastly different perspectives. Although I love my home, my friends and my family, I was sheltered when I lived there. To this date, I often feel like I had blinders on in Mumbai but when I’m here, it’s just me and no one to stop me from seeing the world. It feels like I see a range of different lives now, rather than just one perspective repeated with different faces.

My aspirations for the future are not only to improve my life the way it is but to grow as a person while doing that. My largest aspiration would be to be able to push away distractions and be able to genuinely focus on anything I’m doing. Currently, I tend to get distracted by a range of things, varying from my phone to even a poster on the wall next to me. I would like to overcome that and learn to focus on what I’m doing, being able to dedicate time to a certain task and being able to give it my undivided attention. Over the summer, I want to try different methods of avoiding distractions and seeing what works, one of these might be sitting in my room alone with my phone turned off or playing white noise on my headphones as to not get distracted. I do think that I will be able to find a solution over the summer and would like to dedicate time to finding this.

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