Short Story Based on a Video

I walked back from the convenience store, disappointed. Reminiscing the good days, those days that your belief in humanity is restored, you know? Yeah that’s what I’m talking about, that warm feeling when you know that your loved ones are all right, when you know that whatever comes next, you will be there for them, to help, to support. My life had been going the opposite, a year ago my wife divorced me when she found out that I cheated on her, my son got taken away from me, my life pulled apart. When I went back to my family, for their help, you know what they said? Their only words were “you reap what you sow”. Since then my ex-wife has allowed me to meet with him, with her ‘supervision’. I decided to take him to a convenience store, maybe buy him something to take home but as I went to pay, my credit card got declined, something that had never happened before. Unfortunately the proceeding caused me to lose my temper, I was coming face to face with my child after a whole year and the fact that he would see me as a loser that couldn’t afford to buy him a toy? That wasn’t good enough for me, so I just took it and walked out. The man working there ran after me but I had intimidated him already, at this point, a few hours later, I feel nothing but regret deep in my heart.

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