Mon Actrice Préférée

Mon actrice préférée est Mila Kunis, elle a trente-quatre ans et elle a deux enfants, un fils et une fille avec son mari. Elle a un œil bleu et un œil marron avec de longs cils noirs, elle a les cheveux longs et bruns mais elle est très petite et les gens disent souvent qu’elle est plus petite qu’elle ne dit. Elle soutient la charité Chrysalis et St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, elle est très généreuse, gentille et utile.

User Manual – Nysa

  1. What do I value when it comes to working with others? One of the imperative things that I look for in a teammate is determination and the ability to divide the work into portions for each person to accomplish, I, personally, get distracted very easily and I prefer it when I’m able to plug my headphones in and do my part of the work while the other’s do their’s. I dislike it when people don’t want to work or don’t feel the need to get things done in the class.
  2. The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is probably leaving me to my own tools like I mentioned previously, distractions get to me very easily and dividing up the work would probably help me work the hardest, personally.
  3. When it comes to tech I’m good at figuring out new technology myself, I just need some time by myself and it’s actually pretty easy for me to get good at something new, I’m a fast learner and I need to get better at distractions, my attention rarely stays on something for too long and I need to start being able to focus my entire attention on something
  4. What people misunderstand about me when we work together is that I’m being very stand-offish or I don’t want to work at all, sometimes, depending on me, I tend to either be very focused on the work, doing my level best not to get distracted, so much so that I come off as detached, or other days I’m distracted and I come off as not wanting to work so those are the two general things that people tend to misunderstand about me
  5. I think of myself as more extroverted, in group work, you may notice I tend to add my input wherever possible and participate in the conversation a lot, please remember I prefer to be more involved in the group work rather than working on things that don’t require as much work

Fry’s Planet Word

Although I do believe that language says a lot about us, I don’t believe that it necessarily defines you and everything you stand for. People should be judged as individuals rather than based on their accents or upbringings, each region, sometimes even smaller area has their own version of a certain dialect and because of that, their accent is judged based on stereotypes on where they are. For example, like mentioned in the movie, often in the UK, the more posh, as such, areas speak the Queen’s English, while areas like Yorkshire or Cockney speak a more enunciated dialect of English and people stereotype based on just that, people shouldn’t be boxed up into stereotypes. Furthermore in India, if you have a more Westernised accent, people will automatically associate you with a wealthy upbringing, wealthy enough to be able t0 travel and pick up words and parts of your language from there but if you have a more Indian accent, doesn’t matter what type, they box you into the middle-class stereotype.

Why do I speak as I do? How does my language define me?

Although there are millions of people speaking the same language, every individual utilises their words differently, creating a somewhat new dialect for each being. The way that this unique dialect is crafted depends on the environment and people that the individual has been raised around, as an impressionable child, you take examples of the older authoritative figures in your life and display a mix of their tongue, making use of a combination of their slang, words and languages, overall. If a child is raised in a more casual, background, in a country with a very distinct accent, they will hold that for the rest of their lives, although the amount is variable, on the other hand, if a child is brought up in a formal environment, in a country with a more adaptable accent, their vocabulary will remain with them, although their accent might not.

While I believe your language says a lot about you, I don’t necessarily believe that it defines you, more so it defines your upbringing, where, how and who you were brought up with. Although many others tend to judge people’s personalities based on their accent or language, all that does is, determine that people are their stereotypes, which they are not. People should be judged as individuals, not based on their language or any other physical features, as such.

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