Fry’s Planet Word

Although I do believe that language says a lot about us, I don’t believe that it necessarily defines you and everything you stand for. People should be judged as individuals rather than based on their accents or upbringings, each region, sometimes even smaller area has their own version of a certain dialect and because of that, their accent is judged based on stereotypes on where they are. For example, like mentioned in the movie, often in the UK, the more posh, as such, areas speak the Queen’s English, while areas like Yorkshire or Cockney speak a more enunciated dialect of English and people stereotype based on just that, people shouldn’t be boxed up into stereotypes. Furthermore in India, if you have a more Westernised accent, people will automatically associate you with a wealthy upbringing, wealthy enough to be able t0 travel and pick up words and parts of your language from there but if you have a more Indian accent, doesn’t matter what type, they box you into the middle-class stereotype.

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