PSE Reflection

In PSE we have been discussing topics including: identity, emotional vs intellectual intelligence, optimism and personalities. Something that I have found interesting in our PSE course so far was the debate between emotional and intellectual intelligence. I know that both are important in forming a well rounded person, however, always thought that intellectual intelligence was […]

Finding a New GC

I faced a bit of a problem this year because the GC that I had been participating in for the last four years, Tiny Toones, had been cancelled. The issue was not to do with us, but that the GC hadn’t been filing their finances which clashed with the school’s policies regarding service. I was […]


This is my High School Portfolio. On this website I will be posting about the various activities I partake in during my high school experience and document my feelings as I move through the years here at UWC. Whether it be my thoughts about the recent math test, the sports that I do, the activities […]