Culturama 2019 Reflection

This year was the second time I participated in Culturama so I already had some experience with the preparation process and the skills that were required. Thus, I was able to realise that commitment to the experience would not be as an issue and that the main area I had to focus on was making […]


This summer I decided to continue with a sport that I have been playing since I was very young – tennis. During the school year I wasn’t able to participate in the school team because the time clashed with another commitment and it is very expensive to play outside of school. But, in the summer […]

Final Lighthouse Reflection

Participating in the lighthouse local service has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me as I have been able to see myself grow and develop new skills as a result of working with the children. LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. During my time in this local service I think one of […]