We always want to help our students find the most relevant information when searching or viewing content online. Here are two great suggestions which can lead to a safer online experience for our students. 1. View Purewww.viewpure.com is a site which allows you to ‘purify’ YouTube videos by stripping away the comments section and the…
Month: March 2012
Four assessment tools you’ll flip over.
“White Men by David Reeves“ The “flipped classroom” is a way of describing instructional methods that invert the traditional model of learning where the teacher dispenses content to her or his students during lessons and then sends them on their way to complete problems and meaning-making at home. In flipped instruction, students front-load the content…
iPads in K1
Can digital tools help us learn? That was the question we were exploring today. One of our answers? It can help you start your own band! Music! from United World College of SE Asia on Vimeo.
“Oops! I pressed send.”
I recently came across a couple simple add-ons to Gmail that are easy to put on and really handy when you need them. Undo Send: Remember the last time you had “one of those days”? Remember how on that day you ended up sending an email reply-all by mistake, or sent a copied email without…
K1 and the Digital Microscopes
The K1 children are using the digital microscopes to get a closer look at things we have found in the classrooms and in the playground.
Safety Online in the Early Years
This blog post is a follow up to an information sharing session we had with parents where we discussed helping our students / children find a balance between their on / and / off line lives. One question that came out of this session was, “How can we help our young children stay safe while allowing…