Stop, Breathe, Think
As we start a new school year, the Mindfulness of our students should be at the forefront of our thoughts. If our students are happy, they will be more likely to learn.
The Stop, Breathe, Think app allows your students to share how they are feeling and then based on their responses, gives them activities to try. If you do one thing today, try out this app.
Digital Portfolios
Silvia Tolisano, author of A Guide to Documenting Learning, has written a great blog post about Digital Portfolios.
She examines some common challenges, creating content, types of digital portfolios, purpose of digital portfolios, and types of content.
Teaching Media Fluency
Considering the amount of media that our students interact with, teaching media fluency is essential. We want our students to be critical thinkers, understand misinformation and interpret media messages.
This blog post shares some practical ways to teach media fluency in and support your students.