What are the implications of banning religious items of clothing or jewellery?

Banning only one type of religious items can cause opposing views as it seems like prejudice against that religion. The situation becomes different when the ban of all religious wear is imposed. Personally, even though like France “treasures the principle of secularism”, I do not understand why a country would do this because it doesn’t harm anyone to wear these items, and they are not imposing their religion to other people. There is no harm done so I see no need for a ban to take place. It can imply a discrimination and even limit people to go to some places and make them feel unwelcomed, that maybe it is wrong to wear a clothing item or jewellery. I understand that a country may want to feel united and stand as one however that can be done with different religions, i.e in France, you can still be french and have a different religion that other french people, that doesn’t make you not french. I think in a way it is removing basic human rights, one right, “Your human rights are protected by law” will not be true if we take away something as small as religious clothing items and jewellery. 

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