My learning of sexual abuse

The me too movement aims to disseminate information about sexual assault and disrupt rape culture. Due to centuries of patriarchy embedded in the society, survivors often get blamed for what was inflicted upon them instead of questioning the perpetrator. I believe this is wrong, and the only way to break the stigma cycle of rape is to empower and educate. One such way to do that is teaching society when they are young about gender roles and healthy personal, sexual boundaries. Rigorous Sexual awareness courses and activities can act as a preventative measure to help shift the next generation’s mindset and slowly balance society. A video I find very useful, which has helped me understand the topic is linked here.



Studying before exams has always been a stressful time. From making revision schedules months before the exams to studying the night before- I think we’ve walked till both ends of the spectrum. Typically, my study habits just incorporated taking revision notes, and rereading till my concepts were solid. However, this wasn’t as effective because after studying for long hours I used to get tired, and couldn’t soak in any further information. So I adopted some new techniques to help increase my capacity to remember stuff I learnt. I started going over my notes on a weekly basis, so information would be fresh in my head. Before a major exam, I make a mini test for myself to get into practice, and I take breaks between my revision to increase my focus. I believe these tricks have really helped me avoid last minute pressure, and I’m able to space out my work properly.


I have a list – a million questions to ask myself everyday when I look into the mirror wondering why am I the way I am. While no google search can give me all those answers, my PSE unit surely helped me put myself on the right track of self discovery.

Throughout my life I’ve been called a “Pataka” meaning firecracker in english. I was always motivated to become a leader, guide people, and make my own way around life. It was until I took the 16 personality traits test and I realised I fit into the ENFJ-T personality- the protagonist. Studies show this personality type has a strong set of beliefs and values, which resonates with me because while I may be headstrong about what I believe, I have this softer side to me as well where I’m compassionate and genuinely want to help others.

Now that I’m older, and on my way to apply to colleges, I see a lot of my personality type reflect in my CV. I am heavily bent towards social service, I love being a female powerhouse and driving change in any way possible. I’ve always aspired to be a lawyer- this idea of fearlessness is engrained in my head. I know when I grow up I want to be a person who is determined and sets their own rules, and this unit helped me realise I don’t need to change myself to fit the “lawyer” category for the future, all I needed was to look inside myself and find my own personality.