I have decided to try and challenge myself to do F45 as an external activity for at least two seasons and commit to it fully. My dad has decided to do it with me and I know that having someone else to motivate me to go after school once a week even when I’m tired will be really helpful for me. I did F45 for a few weeks a while ago but I wasn’t motivated enough to keep going especially because I was doing it before school in the mornings since I was too busy after school. I think that once I get into the habit of going each week I might get used to it. I feel like since I stopped gymnastics, I do really miss having someone to just push me to get a workout done and push myself which I don’t feel like I get when I just go to the gym alone. I’m excited to see if I can stick to going at least once a week, but I’m slightly worried about the time commitment. I am also working a part time job at the moment so balancing that and school work as well as this extra activity might be a bit challenging but I’m sure I can make it work. I know that I thrive off a group setting when exercising because I’m quite competitive with myself, however I don’t particularly like sports where you’re playing in a team because I get too nervous about letting people down. F45 seems like the perfect fit for that criteria!

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