End of BTBF

End of the Behind the Beautiful Forevers

Learning Outcome 4 and 5

Today is the first day that I don’t have any rehearsal anymore. One part of me still don’t believe that last week with all of its craziness, nervous waiting, tired and little bit sick periods is over. It was my first and last production week in this school. I still remember when it all started, in Grade 11, with researching and just trying to understand the people’s lives we aimed to embrace on stage. I remember when it started to feel overwhelming, the academic pressure clashed with the 3 hours rehearsals, which are sometimes occupied even our Saturdays. It was crazy, exhausting, but I didn’t think about it for a second to quit. Because it was such an incredible process that I knew that I shouldn’t/couldn’t miss. And at the hard times, we always had the others next to us. The little family that we have become during the rehearsals. We supported each other both in real life and on stage and it was an essential element in our play. Our collaboration needed incredible focus on each other, helping out if someone missed something, fit our movements and pace to the others, and never judge if something is not going according to the plan or someone’s idea is not working. We needed to provide open, safe space as the most amazing thing in theatre, the creative process only can be accomplished when everybody is contributing and feel confident to share their ideas.

I’m extremely grateful to have the opportunity to participate in it, and will never forget my little life in Mumbai.


Looking back at Swimming

Even though, I finished swimming in the school I didn’t quit it outside of it, I didn’t just leave it behind.

While I wasn’t in the team, but went twice a week doesn’t sound like a huge influence, it affected me a lot. I liked the way I was able to turn off my mind and concentrate on something else, than the academics, the everyday stress in the school. It’s a really powerful and freeing feeling, when you get into the mindset of just focusing on your muscle work and to go further and further. Refreshing not just for the body, but for the mind as well.

As my financial background was a huge reason behind my leaving, I found a cheaper alternative to continue swimming, though, without a professional coach, just by myself. This connects to the Learning Outcome 4 (show commitment and perseverance), as I was looking for this opportunity and continued doing this sport, even though, I faced some difficulties.


I participated in Write for Rights this year which means that we were learning about different human rights violation and write in connection with them for 24 hours to different governments and leaders.

It was really interesting to deep digger into the diverse problems, see the manifestations of problems from all around the world. I could get to know Amaya’s situation better, see the aftermaths of the girls’ segregation during their period in India and also let my voice heard in connection with the Mexico borders family separation ( just to mention some).

I haven’t done anything like this before and it was quite challenging to write constantly. 24 hours seems to be not enough most of the time, but working constantly can show our mistake in perception.

To be honest, I would never be able to accomplish it for the whole time without the others. We were there for each other and support every one of us when we felt down and it seemed to be the night would never end.

Only one bunch of the letters.