For my service involvement this year, I am partaking in a Gymnastics program with SGM Murni Child Care Center. I chose this because sports and general physical activity is a significant part of my life which I hope to be able to share with people in the community around me. The children from the SG Murni play school come from unfortunate backgrounds and don’t have the opportunities to explore activities such as gymnastics. This happens every Thursday from 10-11:30 where we get the opportunity to engage with the children who come from various backgrounds.

I felt that the learning outcomes that are most prevalent in this service are LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance and LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions.  These outcomes are very relevant to this situation as the activities we do in this service are out of our usual environment and we are out of our comfort zones trying to teach these children new skills and keep them safe. The ethical considerations must be taken into account as these children come from different cultural backgrounds and we must be sensitive in the way we behave and dress. I think the most challenging aspect of this will be for us to make this engaging for the children, but keep them safe at the same time as the gymnastics hall can be a very dangerous place.

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