Paper 1 Practice Prose: Atonement



  • Need to work on time management and grouping concepts; I had a hard time deciding how to outline my essay
  • I don’t think I annotated my extract enough; likewise, I forgot the topic, so I wasn’t particularly focused on annotating the extract to answer the question
  • Teacher’s comments: too repetitive (mentioned “tension” too much) and didn’t qualify what tension meant or what it achieved; didn’t contextualise the extract, so some of the points are confusing; needed to zoom in more
    • I need to remember to mention things outside the extract if they are important in relation to the extract and topic (ie heat)
  • I think I chose a bad extract for me because I’m not sure if I actually understood the techniques used in the extract or how it contributed to building tension

Paper 1 Practice Poem: The Kindness


  • Teacher’s comments: Forgot to talk about or mention lineation; sometimes need clarification on points
  • Challenges: deciding on how to organise topics of body paragraphs and relate them to theme of kindness and beauty
  • Personal notes: For body paragraph 3, I should switch the last sentence with the topic sentence because it’s much more clearer whereas my original topic sentence was a bit messy and made more sense after I finished showing all my evidence; I spent around three days planning out and writing the essay, and most of the time went into organising concepts and deciding what evidence to use from my notes and what I should keep out; need to work on time management

Poetry Unseen Practice: Moon by Kathleen Jamie

In the unseen practice analysis of Moon, I wanted to talk about how the author uses personification of both the moon and the room to compare the mother to the moon, revealing to the audience the persona’s relationship with the mother, as well as to show the differences between the moon and the mother, possibly to highlight the transformation of the persona.

Things to work on:

– Time management

– Organization, in both the actual writing and in planning