Client Header

The platform I decided to use was picmonkey because it seemed simple and easy to understand for me. My first design step in designing the header was just to decide on the colour scheme of the background and how the header banner and the images would fit on in. I tried different themes in the background and also chose some design images to go around the main banner. However throughout the process I changed them because I tried to fit my clients personality more closely.


I think that my design represents the design principle of balance because everything in the banner is spaced out evenly. I tried to center the main part of the banner as well as I thought it would be better for the eye to catch. If I were to change something I think it would be to use more of the space on the outside of the banner. I didn’t really use much of the space and I could have maybe added more images.

Adam Grant’s Talk

I think that I was a matcher in the process of the feedback session because while I gave, and helped people improve their banners, I also took a lot of information from them. I think that we both helped each other with giving the feedback. – Client Specification

I think that I somewhat empathised with my client because I did do somethings that would have showed I empathised but I could have definitely done more. I tried to use a colour scheme that represented the client and used some of her hobbies as icons within the banner.

I think of the resources I used I would like to use picmoneky again. This is because it was easy to learn and simple to use. It also had some very good design features on it. Now that I have used it before I will be able to do more advanced things and use it more effectively.

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One thought on “Client Header

  • September 27, 2017 at 6:45 am

    I can learn from you to that changing from the initial plan is okay, and that I should try different designs/images throughout the process of designing. You can learn from me that keeping things simple can in some cases be better than adding many images.
    The most important thing your client will notice might be that you added musical notes. I think she will strongly understand that you thought about her hobbies and identities.
    In your process, I would have liked you to have clarified why you chose that color scheme and font.


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