Can Technology Make us Understand Ourselves Better?

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My initial response to this is that no, technology will not make us better understand ourselves because we won’t really be doing anything with any actual people.

I think that the main point on this topic we have avoided the whole session was the area in the middle between yes and no. This specific topic could be considered to be that technology can help us understand our selves better but at the same time could have some negative factors. For example technology may allow us to express ourselves more easily to find out more about us, however it can also be very addictive and we may talk so much to AI that we lose social connections.

A quote from another students post was, ‘How would we share ideas if so many members of our society are more interested in chatting with a bot than an actual human.’  I think that this is very relevant and similar to what I think because I don’t think that we should be socialising with an AI app that will eventually become more like us. When you are using replika you would be eventually talking and socialising with yourself, as it is programmed to mimic and become more like the user.

What do you think about this topic and whether or not technology can help us better understand ourselves? Is there a significant area where people are both yes and no?

ATL Reflection

On my ATL’s this term I think I did pretty well. I got mostly clear’s, a few strong’s, and 1 some. The areas I did the best in were self management and collaboration. I got a few strong indicators in both of these areas. I think the reasons for this is dependant on the subject that it is based on. In biology and chemistry I got strong’s in both of those areas and I think it is because I understand those topics more easily. This then makes it easier to focus and show the ATL’s because it is easier for me to understand what is going on. The only area of the ATL’s I got a some in was communication in English. I think that in all subjects I should try and work on my communication because I may not be completely clear with what I am saying. I think that another area I may have to work on is speaking and conveying more of my ideas because I don’t speak much in class. I think that I should focus on trying to improve the areas of the ATL’s of the subjects I don’t enjoy as much as the others because it is harder for me to achieve a good level.

TEDX Final Design


“All members of society have something to do to push society forward”

“There are many pillars to success”

“It is all about the individuals. It is all about you and me”

My partners advice for my design was to add more colours to the design to make the important part such as the text stand out more. This way it would be easier for people to see the parts of the information most relevant.

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