How has tourism impacted nature and the economic status in areas around Margaret River?

Margaret River is an area on the West coast of Australia which has been becoming an increasingly popular place for tourists to go. One of the main reasons for this attraction is the size of the waves on the beaches in this area. The factor is what draws many surfers toward this area as the wave height is usually consistently good for anybody looking to enjoy themselves while surfing. People who enjoy surfing as a hobby or people wanting to learn a new skill can potentially use this area to develop their skills. This is generally a place to improve ones well being as people have the opportunity to do something they love or learn something new in this area. The attribute of this will helps to draw more people to this area. As the areas around Margaret river attract more tourists, the economic growth of the area has been increasing, and it will continue to do so as time goes on. As more people come to visit any beaches around or to witness some of the amazing nature around the West coast of Australia, the economic status will continue to grow with more and more tourists pay for housing, equipment, classes etc. Other areas around the river also provide multiple opportunities for things such as mountain biking, trekking/ hiking, and canoeing. The wide range of activities allows for a wider range of people with different interests to travel to this area and do what they like to on a new terrain. All of this also contributes to economic value of the area of Margaret river.

As well as people, there is also a lot of wonderful nature and wildlife around this part of Australia. With more tourists starting to travel here, nature can be seriously affected. However the impact on nature currently is not as much as what could potentially be happening. There are specific areas which people generally move towards going to, this mean that certain areas with a lot of wildlife are being kept natural and as least affected as possible. As well as this, in terms of leisure activities and camping in the wilderness there are also designated areas for the use of people. There are specific trail paths for mountain biking and for hiking and there are general campsites for the use of any people who have a long route or path around the area. They also try to strictly ban any fires in any of the camping areas to avoid any possible destruction of the plants and trees around. All of these measures are in place to protect the nature and wildlife as much as possible, but as more people and tourists use the spaces and areas available, it is inevitable that there will be harm caused to the environment. However if tourists take care of the environment and keep the place as an area which will be open for a long time the impacts on nature will be as minimal as they possibly can. Margaret river is an area where many people go for multiple different reasons. With more tourists arriving the economy keeps growing and people can find themselves enjoying activities they find entertaining. If the nature around the area can be sustained as it is now, this can be a place that people can appreciate for a long time.

Client Header

The platform I decided to use was picmonkey because it seemed simple and easy to understand for me. My first design step in designing the header was just to decide on the colour scheme of the background and how the header banner and the images would fit on in. I tried different themes in the background and also chose some design images to go around the main banner. However throughout the process I changed them because I tried to fit my clients personality more closely.


I think that my design represents the design principle of balance because everything in the banner is spaced out evenly. I tried to center the main part of the banner as well as I thought it would be better for the eye to catch. If I were to change something I think it would be to use more of the space on the outside of the banner. I didn’t really use much of the space and I could have maybe added more images.

Adam Grant’s Talk

I think that I was a matcher in the process of the feedback session because while I gave, and helped people improve their banners, I also took a lot of information from them. I think that we both helped each other with giving the feedback. – Client Specification

I think that I somewhat empathised with my client because I did do somethings that would have showed I empathised but I could have definitely done more. I tried to use a colour scheme that represented the client and used some of her hobbies as icons within the banner.

I think of the resources I used I would like to use picmoneky again. This is because it was easy to learn and simple to use. It also had some very good design features on it. Now that I have used it before I will be able to do more advanced things and use it more effectively.

Adam Grant’s Talk

Dear me,

If you only remember one thing from Adam Grant’s talk it should be that some givers are the people who succeed the most but the others are the people that don’t do well in their jobs.Givers also need the have the right conditions to work under otherwise they don’t give as much as they normally would. This is because we want a world where givers can succeed so we get the best possible outcome of each situation.




Smart Phones Talk

Link to the video: 


  1. The arrival of the smartphones has radically changed every aspect of teens lives from social interaction to mental health
  2. Netflix biggest competitors are face book and sleep
  3. Kids are losing the ability to converse because of technology

I used to think that smartphones were one of the biggest distractions there were for us because it stopped us from working and made us look at social media or notifications. But now I think that the problem isn’t the phone but the person using the phone. The person is allowing themselves to get distracted and not focus on what they are meant to because the phone is more interesting.


FriendsCreative Commons License Simon Blackley via Compfight

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