Making Of A Drawing Video: Water Movement In Plants

One challenge on this video was doing the voiceover and how to align it with some specific parts of the video. Sometimes I got really lucky and it would just fit in. Because we already filmed everything, I couldn’t film it the way I would have done it which is why I just went with it. Making this video really helped me in understanding transpiration as at first I didn’t really get it. I would prefer making videos such as this compared to completing worksheets and teacher discussions as it is mostly independant and you get a visual of how it actually works in your own understanding. Unlike worksheets where they are very restrictive of what you do.

Speech: Today we will be talking about transportation in plants. Transportation is the process where water evaporates from the leaves, causing water to be drawn up through the roots. There are two types of transport tissue, called the xylem and the phloem. Xylem transports water and solutes from the roots to the leaves, and phloem transports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

The xylem structure has columns of dead cells and forms a tube or passageway for the water and solutes. Water evaporates from the spongy mesophyll inside the leaf to the palisade cells, and then water diffuses outside of the leaf. As the water diffuses, it creates a constant movement of the water through the spongy mesophyll to the outside of the leaf.