EE Reflection #3

EE Reflection #3

Overall, the EE process has been extremely interesting and informative, due to me choosing a topic I have a genuine interest in. That being said, I feel that choosing a more specific research question would have been beneficial to my investigation, as at times my evaluation of the solutions was vague and repetitive due to the constraints of the question. Making this change would have given me the world count to delve deeper into the context and nuances of some of the solutions, helping me formulate a more balanced and realistic conclusion. Regardless, I believe that the research strategies I implemented were very successful, as I obtained useful data for the system in Singapore and for systems in other countries that I used to make a comparative conclusion on the strength of the local transportation projects. A question that arose during this process was, ‘can any interventions taken to reduce carbon emissions make a real difference in the face of climate change?’ A bleak thought, but one that my research made me consider.

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