EE Reflection #1

EE Reflection #1:

After a grueling process of filtering through ideas, I have decided to investigate Tesla’s exit from the Singaporean market. I chose this topic as it not only intrigues me but also has a benefit in investigating due to the lack of investigative essays on the issue. I feel that a world-studies ee also gives me the opportunity to take a more holistic approach in evaluating the impact of the issue. The most challenging part of this process was formulating my research question, due to a lack of initial preparation. What helped me overcome this was using the outline to test my ideas against the questions provided. Talking more to my supervisor helped me stay focused on what I wanted to write about and set a rough criteria on the different areas I needed to address. We decided to focus more on the government’s perspective than the corporation to analyze the overall market as there is more for me to explore.

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