EE Reflection #1

EE Reflection #1:

After a grueling process of filtering through ideas, I have decided to investigate Tesla’s exit from the Singaporean market. I chose this topic as it not only intrigues me but also has a benefit in investigating due to the lack of investigative essays on the issue. I feel that a world-studies ee also gives me the opportunity to take a more holistic approach in evaluating the impact of the issue. The most challenging part of this process was formulating my research question, due to a lack of initial preparation. What helped me overcome this was using the outline to test my ideas against the questions provided. Talking more to my supervisor helped me stay focused on what I wanted to write about and set a rough criteria on the different areas I needed to address. We decided to focus more on the government’s perspective than the corporation to analyze the overall market as there is more for me to explore.

Minds Service Formative Reflection Learning Outcome #4

The graph above shows my confidence over time while being a part of the MINDS service. At the start I really struggled to make much of an impact and communicate with the people from MINDS as I have never really had this kind of experience. However, overtime I have learnt so much about the different mental disabilities that the people we work with are faced with, and the way they are able to overcome them in everyday life. The connections I have created have taught me a lot, and have made me far more aware about how fortunate I am and how I can repay some of that back to the community. This relates to learning outcome #4: ‘Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences,’ as I continued to work through my initial struggles in order to further my CAS experience and help the clients at MINDS.

MUN First Month Learning Outcome #6

This is my second year in Model United Nations, and my first year as an intermediate delegate. This is an exciting opportunity as I will now be working at a higher level of debate, with more fierce competitors. This gives me the chance to learn from the more experienced delegates around me, and as a result improve my skills.

The first few weeks have consisted mainly of preparing for the upcoming MUN conference in which delegates from several countries come together to discuss and seek out solutions for real world issues that plague our world. This is an example of creativity which tackles Learning Outcome #6, which states: “Students are able to identify and demonstrate their understanding of global issues, make responsible decisions and take appropriate action in response to the issue, either locally, nationally or internationally.” I firmly believe that as a student in a school as active in creating change, it is crucial for us to have a strong understanding of global issues and be able to take appropriate action.

At this conference I am looking forwards to forming new connections, and making myself more aware of the issues our world face on my journey to becoming a change maker.

U19 Football First Month Refection Learning Outcome #2

Football this year has been extremely demanding. The first few weeks have been tough on us, both mentally and physically. Three training session a week, all ending after 6pm has proved to be very challenging as after a long summer break I am not as fit as I was before. This has translated to tired legs on the pitch as we have gone on to lose both of our first two league games. In games we seemed to lack a sense of community and play as individuals instead of as a team. However as time has passed we have started to show signs of improvement and potential for success.

We have not let our spirits drop and our have the failures on the pitch have only raised our intensity in training. We have shown our determination to improve in a period of deficiency. This perseverance forms clear links to Learning Outcome #2 which states: ‘Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process’.

Our goal from here is to improve as a team. We want to utilise the skills and knowledge we have gained from our training sessions, and show the same character we have demonstrated in training onto the pitch. With games coming up this week against GESS away and Dover who are our fiercest rivals at home, it is hard to deny that there is buzz of excitement around the team.


My Statements of Strength:

1) I have a robust emotional vocabulary

  • I find it easy to pinpoint specific emotions
  • This helps me understand where these emotions are coming from and allows me to deal with them better
  • This also makes it easier for me to explain how I feel to others, and therefore they are able to give me more beneficial advice

2) I get enough sleep

  • I understand the importance of a good night’s sleep to function well the next day
  • With a fresh mind I am able to make better decisions and keep up my overall happiness
  • As a result I am less likely to experience negative emotions that could cause distress

3) I am difficult to offend

  • Due to the fact that I have a good understanding of my own physical and mental abilities, I am very difficult to offend
  • This allows me to stay active in social situations and I don’t feel disheartened by any criticism
  • I also find it easier to absorb and make use of negative feedback
  • This helps me improve myself and overcome and barriers that are holding me back

4) I know how to say no

  • This helps me stay committed to existing plans as I do not fill up my schedule to more than I can handle
  • I don’t feel as impacted by FOMO as other people and therefore can enjoy what I am doing at current
  • I am able to do mostly just the things that improve my emotional health
  • As a result I know what is worth spending time on and what I may regret doing in the future

5) I embrace challenge

  • This helps me further my knowledge and understanding over complex ideas that others may shy away from
  • Things feel easier to grasp as I am not scared to work for them



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