Personal Statement

In my experience, I have visited many different countries and was interested in learning about different cultures and people’s beliefs. Since I was born and lived in Japan for eight years, I had not met many different culture people. Still, my family loves traveling, so I had visited different countries and saw different cultures. My goal is to work as hard as I can on academics, while I enjoy the sports that I do. The sports is the thing that can support me with the academics, as I can forget about the struggles in academics while doing sports and my mind can be refreshed for better learning.


In all the schools I have been to, I have either joined some sort of sports in school or have continued the sports from when I was little in Japan. I still keep the connection to people who I have met so that I have people who can support me and encourage me when I am struggling on any type of work. A school is a good place for me to be able to make new connections to the community. My bigger goal for the future is to be a surgeon, which I got influenced by the TV dramas I have watched and the actual experiences that I have had connected to the practical surgery practice for high schoolers in Japan. I really like to use my own hand and fingers to do small things and my dream is to be a person who can save and support people as closer and quickly for them. From these thoughts, I became interested in becoming a surgeon, which is a job where I can save and support people using my own hand, as quickly as I can. This dream connects to the goal of doing the academics as hard as I can and make the good connection to people, as I know the surgeon has to also understand the patients’ feelings.


The goal can be the truth and right s long as I am able to challenge myself and don’t give up on academics. Also, I think another important thing for me is to be able to get support from my family, friends, and teachers so that I can stay on the right way for completing my goals and the dream. I sometimes get stressed easily when I pressure myself, so I try to manage my time and work so that I won’t get stressed and think about the struggles when I don’t have to. It is really good that I really enjoy and like the environment that I am learning right now. All the schools I have been in takes care of the students’ goals and what they want to accomplish at that moment in time. This supports me to be able to stay concentrated and focus on the work I am doing inside and outside of school.


When I think back now about coming to Singapore, I think that it was a good experience for me and am glad that I was able to. My family gave me the choice of coming to Singapore or staying in Japan. Even though I don’t know how I will be doing and feeling in Japan if I stayed, I really like to meet new people and learn about new things. I think from that experience, the choice of coming to Singapore was one of the right choices. Also, I really like the environment and the support I am getting, so I would like to continue to work on for accomplishing the goals and also my dream.

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