Is it immoral to increase the price of goods during a crisis?

I’m sure that there are many companies and individuals that are taking the crisis as a good economic opportunity, but I believe that it is immoral for these actions. I think that people should not have the right to price their products as what they want it to be sold at, as pricings of similar products should be kept almost the same. The problem not only affects the customers who might feel that they have been “fooled” by the company when they see the same product being sold at a lower price, but also to the other companies who follow the trend in the pricing of the similar products will take it as a loss.

I don’t think that high demand for items like hand sanitizer and masks during a public health crisis justify higher prices, as there can be people who are in real need of the products when they might not be able to afford them. I believe that resellers who stockpile supplies and then sell them at a higher price are only taking advantage of people, who are desperate and in need of them.

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