Practice Conversation Reflection


Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (5/10)

I gave myself this score because I feel that even though my knowledge about this text is quite acceptable, I was unable to verbally express that knowledge. My interpretations of the text were somewhat relevant and only sometimes supported my ideas. I feel like I could have done quite a bit better with more preparation beforehand and knowing what is it I need to say.

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation (5/10)

My evaluation and analysis of the extract were not the very best. I think I was able to somewhat relate it to my global issue. I knew I had the right ideas in my head but being able to verbalise and properly articulate those ideas is something that I struggle with. I think instead of being descriptive I could use a lot more analytical language to help with my evaluation of the extract.

Criterion C: Focus and organization (6/10)

I think my ideas on the extract remained quite focused and somewhat cohesive. I was able to express ideas that were different but were related to each other in a relatively ordered way. I could work on possibly generating a more logical and connected sequence of ideas that are very well connected.

Criterion D: Language (6/10)

My use of language during the presentation was quite clear with a few errors. I need to work on trying to clarify myself and use the proper vocabulary.


Total: 22/40 

One comment

  1. This is a solid engagement with an issue, and you start to outline some discrepancies in the ways in which genders are judged for their sexuality, but it is not quite clear yet, nor is it analytical.

    Sexuality and gender is not an issue. How can you rephrase this to so is focused on something problematic about these concepts.

    The intro to Normal people is solid. Could the IO quickly summarise some of the narrative elements? (it currently doesn’t mention that they are on/off lovers). When analysing, you jump straight to specific quotations from the scene. Introduce the overview of the extract first (what is happening, what is its style etc.). THEN make sub-points (e.g narrative point of view here shapes our perception of sexuality as (explain). For example, in line (whatever), Rooney writes (quotation). This (analyse). This is reinforced by (something else (think. synthesis). Later in the book (make links to body of work). A: 6, B:4, C:5, D:7

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