CAS choices


When I was choosing the activities I was going to do, first I was thinking what were the requirements to complete the CAS. After that I organised my calendar so I could easily identify the days I had no activities after school. When i was choosing the activities I was thinking about doing sports I’m interested into and sports that I would learn something new, so I chose Muay Thai as one of my activities as I have a lot of experience and enjoy a lot doing it, then as I wanted to learn a new sport I chose Golf for beginners.

After choosing my activities that involved sports, I started looking for activities that count as Creativity for CAS. I’m really into photography so I chose  a photography activity and CASamba. Last year I was in the Djembe Follow group and after watching the CASamba group performances I decided that I would like to try it out. However, I wasn’t accepted in any of my Creativity activities so I will try to join one of these activities for season 3 and 4.


For service I had as my first choice The Riding for the disabled. I really wanted this service, because I really enjoy  helping kids or just to playing with them, and this would be a different way of doing that. In addition, my brother did this service before and said he had a great experience there helping the kids.

As my second choice, I chose Music Therapy with Apex. I chose this because I really enjoy music and this would be a type of service I’ve never done before, and I thing it would be a great experience and I’m really looking forward to doing it.

For the services I wasn’t accepted in my first choice, but I was on my second.


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