Writers Fortnight – Criminal Psychologist

The first talk I had the chance to attend was by a visiting criminal psychologist. I was quite surprised by his appearance as he seemed extremely young and I had been expecting someone older with more experience. Once he began speaking, however, I was intrigued by his experiences working with criminals and working in the justice system. He spoke about his time monitoring convicts in rehabilitation programmes and how his perspective on courses like that changed and how they really helped the convicts generally. He also spoke about how going into the interview the convicts had become almost methodical for him, it had become part of his daily routine so he’d feel generally calm even around the felons that had committed the worst crimes. He also told us how he identified whether or not people were lying which really interested me as it was so different than we were exposed to by the media. I then asked him a question on whether or not he had been deceived by any of the convicts he had interviewed and he proceeded to tell us quite a graphic story about a time where he had a judged a convict based on his appearance. The criminal he was interviewing was quite similar to him in the sense that they were both near the same age and appearance wise as well there weren’t too many large differences so he hadn’t expected him to have committed any crime too serious. He revealed that the man had actually been convicted because he had several thousand videos of filming up girl’s clothes and one day he had ended up grabbing the girl. Later when reading the convict’s file, he found out that the girl was only 8 years old. He told us about how he had let himself be deceived by the man’s appearance into thinking that he couldn’t have committed a serious crime but in reality, it was the opposite. Overall this was my favourite talk as it sparked discussion into topics that can generally be seen as taboo in society (mental health, certain graphic crimes).

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