My NRI form was successful research as it enabled contextualisation pertaining to Indians in Singapore. For the restaurant surveys, sampling used evolved from random to stratified to account for different subgroups in the Indian restaurant population. Primary research established a compare and contrast of two quadrats in Little India- one being in its cultural centre and another next to a hotel and commercial areas. This allowed for distinguishing of the effects of glocalisation on the authenticity of culture; nuances were brought about in that Little India is not homogeneous. Survey questionnaires for tourists did not translate into helpful empirical data as they had minimal experience. Ethical considerations emerged as critical- I gave all participants briefing about my study. My perception of globalisation and glocalisation held significantly negative connotations. However, I realised that these phenomena help fulfil urban spatial configuration needs- enabling entrenchment to one’s roots for NRIs and concurrently serving as an area of economic vitality for tourism.