5th February. This week I will be returning to Kenya after almost 3 years away.

The reason for my return? I am one of the teachers leading a group of students on a service trip to Nanuki, to Daraja Academy. Along with all the packing (deet, breakfast bars and suncream!), I have also been attempting to explore what my role will be for the 10 days we are there.

But first, I think I need to address an even broader question of what service means to me? Being part of the Global Concern for Daraja Academy for the past 6 months has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of working at UWCSEA East so far. On one side this may be because, each week I am able to explore, discuss and support an issue that I feel is so relevant and needs awareness in society. Yet also, I feel the GC group has been an opportunity for me to really connect with UWC students and become a part of the UWC movement. Each week, I look forward to working alongside our GC students, all of us creating opportunities not only with Daraja but with each other.

This year, Daraja GC has a total of 19 students, parents and teachers getting ready for the service trip! Since working with the Daraja GC, I am very proud to see what the students in the team have achieved so far. From Run for Rights where we were able to raise awareness surrounding women’s rights along with raise funds for Daraja Academy, to simply setting up our Daraja blog where we can showcase what we get up to during our GC meetings. It seems that in all this reflection, I am personally grateful for the experiences provided but I believe it is fair to say that service can often be a service for yourself as much as others. If more than one person can benefit from what we do within our global concerns community, then the aim of creating and making a difference is true. I look forward to adding some posts about what we get upto on the trip and finally meeting the Daraja girls!


For further information about Daraja Academy, see the following links:



Read more about what our UWCSEA GC for Daraja Academy gets up to at http://portfolios.uwcsea.edu.sg/daraja_academy_hs/

#service #daraja #education