Running Hour – 14/11/19

Today, I ran with someone called Navendra. Running with him was really fun because firstly, he was very responsive, and also eager to participate in the days run. We started off with a quick warm-up, and then we set off. His stamina was alright, and he every so often took breaks. So what I did to try to keep his heart rate high, was set a timer on the amount of time we ran, and the amount of time we would walk. This was, Navendra was able to take breaks, and catch his breath, but also get a good workout.

Learning Outcomes – 2 and 5

Running Hour 7/11/19

Today I ran 8 km from Kallang Wave Mall to Marina Barrage. I ran with a partner called Cheng Liang. I was pretty impressed with his stamina as he continuously ran with only occasional stops. He was also very responsive, and I got to enjoy a conversation with him in Chinese, which allowed me to practice my Chinese speaking as well. Overall it was a good run.

Learning Outcomes – 5 and 7

Running Hour – 3/09/19

Today’s running hour session was a learning experience. For the first time, I and another student were paired up along with one of the beneficiaries of running hour. His name was Chen Wei. It was quite a hard thing to control him as we had to stay on track, whereas he kept wanting to run along the wall. So I and the other student had to work together, to help him complete the course.

Learning Outcomes – LO2 and LO5

Running Hour – 26//09/19

Today’s running hour session was a very fun one. I was paired up with a 19-year-old named Ethan, who was mentally challenged, and another buddy called Edwin. In today’s session, I had run all the way from Kallang wave mall to marina barrage and back, totally running 9km. This helped me work towards my goal of helping challenged people in Singapore while trying to improve my stamina. This session was very challenging, but in the end also very rewarding.

Learning Outcomes – LO2 and LO5

Running Hour – 12/09/19

Today was my first running hour session. It was a very fun one, as I got to interact with visually, mentally, and physically challenged people of Singapore. An added bonus was I got to do it through something I loved which was sports and being active.

Learning Outcomes Achieved: 4 and 5

I got collaborate with the challenged people and enjoyed a conversation during our light jog.

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