Cinematographic structure:

All the camera shots are taken head-on, at eye level. This suggests that this matter is serious, which requires a real connection with those speaking (in the video). Eye contact is maintained in a conversation mainly when we want to engage or get a message across – this video’s camera angle enforces that. 

Wearing their uniforms/workplace attire, such as doctors, delivery drivers, teachers to suggest how these “immigrants” are involved in everyday life, almost all the time, and we depend on them as these roles are deemed “essential.” 

This woman is seen to be wearing a hijab, suggesting that she may be muslim. We know that many Muslims face discrimination due to prejudices against them. However, the choice for her to wear the stethescope with her hijab may completely change people’s mindsets, because they now see her as a doctor. It may suggest that when they put on their uniform, they are treated well, but on a day-to-day basis, they suffer discrimination. 

Furthermore, the stereotype of men having to be doctors and the “white” ethnicity to be seen to be superior is also addressed by the doctor being a colored, female individual. The doctor also has a cleft palate surgery “scar” , which may have caused her to face bullying in her past and implies that she has gone through more than racial discrimination. The word “toil” creates the image of someone struggling or squirming, linking to how this situation is painful for the health care workers. 

This video is seen to be taken at a hospital. The equipment seen in the background such as the sink, air ventilator, and stethoscope are all essential to fight off this pandemic. This may bring out the idea that fighting this pandemic is within the hands of doctors and nurses, hence they will be seen as superior despite their ethnicity during this pandemic everyone plays a part and is bringing people together.